Splendid Life through Drama' Showcase for Stage Performance
Performance Details
Splendid Lfie through Drama
No. of Performance
Hong Kong,
Creative and Production Credits
Artistic Director
Director and Drama Tutor - 《樹的故事》
Director - 《夢想森林》
Director and Drama Tutor - 《潮》
Director and Drama Tutor - 《搭的市的危機》
Director and Drama Tutor - 《世界盡頭之旅》,《我的家污染了》
KWAN Pui Yan Ruby
Director and Drama Tutor - 《升中夢之回到春秋》
Playwright - 《冒險與浪漫的故事》
Director and Drama Tutor - 《冒險與浪漫的故事》
Director and Drama Tutor -《我的老師我的母校》,《地獄補習社》
Director and Drama Tutor -《潮》
Set and Props Construction
LAM Hiu Tung
Lighting Technician
Stage Manager, Deputy Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Programme Assistant
Master of Ceremony
House Programme Design
Deputy Producer
Acting Team
Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School, Toi Shan Association Primary School, Po Leung Kuk Horizon East Primary School, Yan Chai Hospital Ho Sik Nam Primary School, The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth Integrated Youth Services, HKECA Wu Si Chong Memorial School, Lutheran Tsang Shing Siu Leun School, Shun Tak Fraternal Association (STFA) Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School, Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si Primary School, Free Methodist Church Leung Tin Children & Youth Integrated Serices Centre,
Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School Actor
李洛文, 歐陽茜彤, 李康婷, 羅允蔚, 簡卓文, 陳芯生, 朱芷澄, 陳嘉灝, 姚彥澤, 鄧斯漢, 岑綺恩, 梁心藍, 陳子雋, 謝諾希,
Toi Shan Association Primary School Actor
梁嘉寳, 莫嘉穎, 鄔梓寧, 馬佩欣, 王子溢, 羅天林, 鄭文軒, 鄧冠聰, 譚巧敏, 張永熙, 孫希彤, 張謹兒, 楊英杰, 陳鎮熙, 周浩天,
Po Leung Kuk Horizon East Primary School Actor
趙皓晴, 呂勵志, 吳汶謙, 高欣茵, 蘇艷琳, 鄭輝煌, 董樂然, 庾天蔚, 郭晴欣, 余芷瑤, 陶子泓, 張曉琳, 伍心玥, 王樂瑤, 譚詠藍, 朱皓陽,
Yan Chai Hospital Ho Sik Nam Primary School Actor
趙俊昇, 吳芷晴, 陸嘉翔, 張嘉怡, 陳錫喬, 施晶晶, 梁嘉希, 蘇朗行, 陳安琪, 許艾迪, 李仲賢, 黃悅盈, 阮心媛, 吳泳彤, 莫詠琳, 黃詩晴, 黃悅薇,
BGCAHK Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth Integrated Youth Services Actor
劉昊揚, 盧藝華, 劉穎勤, 陸兆泉, 林承殷, 倫衛衡, 鍾卓霖, 黃康研, 黃俊傑, 鄭子謙,
HKECA Wu Si Chong Memorial School Actor
陳雅琳, 馮智傑, 陳穎詩, 馮麗華, 葉惠英, 郭家寶, 莊慧欣, 郭依琳, 黃鈺泓, 李鎮東, 朱健偉, 何少欣, 黃翠珊, 林佳豪, 黃鈺華, 李曼玲, 余曉晴, 蘇培楊,
Lutheran Tsang Shing Siu Leun School Actor
樊曉彤, 鍾復恩, 陳羡婷, 黃糠泓, 黃曉彤, 陳巧嵐, 黃恩臨, 郭永禧, 吳礎峰, 林家俊, 吳鎧彤, 黎家旋, 樊曉筠, 張天慧, 陳信一, 劉悅容, 張灝森, 陳綽誠, 陳百惠, 陳嘉殷,
Shun Tak Fraternal Association (STFA) Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School Actor
黃泳錡, 葉欣玲, 蔡翔宇, 楊凱琳, 賴梓灝, 韋巧楠, 楊致遠, 施頌恩, 潘善妮, 譚綺雯, 甄葆琳, 李嘉翹, 譚竣杰, 張錦榮, 賴梓澄, 曾平英,
Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si Primary Schoo Actor
陳文迪, 王倩銣, 周熹妍, 何寶翹, 何淑紫, 蔣韻彤, 林功浩, 李宇焜, 蔡振軒, 黃淳捷, 周卓南, 張文慧, 黃婷蔚, 林謙仁, 傅蔚姍, 莫潔汶, 黃湛僖, 陳鎧婷, 張婉婷 , 李嘉琪,
Free Methodist Church Leung Tin Children & Youth Integrated Serices Centre Actor
梁慧瑩, 甄鎧濤, 李樂霖, 甄婉晴, 李樂怡, 林穎彤, 黃綺婷, 周念翰, 何觀賜, 溫塏晴, 鄭樂兒,