Approximately half a century after the writing of the original story, Chung Ying presents its own theatrical version of Lao She's City of Cats. Conceived as a musical dramatisation for Hong Kong's adult audiences, this production communicates a modern viewpoint of Lao She's original satire of Chinese life.
The adaptation by Bernard Goss focuses on Earthman's journey over the planet Mars to a fascinating city — where the unruly cats live in trepidation of the Foreigners, who greedily wait at the frontiers of Catland.
Eric Pun composes music reflecting various Eastern and Western influences of both now — and during the actual period in which Lao She used the Cats as symbols of his own countrymen.
Fifty years later, this theatrical presentation does not shun the bitterness of Lao She's writing, but — in retrospect — offers in addition more hope than the original author intended. Events since City of Cats was first published have proved that the country, which Lao She so dearly loved, is reaching into the future creatively and positively.