Important Notices


The responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by the Chung Ying Theatre Production Database ("Chung Ying Database") on this website rests with the authors. Whilst Chung Ying Database endeavours to ensure the accuracy of Chung Ying's information on this site, no express or implied warranty is given by Chung Ying as to the accuracy of the information.


This website also contains information input by other parties and users may link this site to other sites and obtain information provided by other parties (collectively called "the other information"). Chung Ying Database expressly states that it has no warranty nor endorsed the other information contained in or in connection with these sites.


Chung Ying Database is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on this site at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason. Users are responsible for making their own assessments of all information contained in or in connection with this site and are advised to verify such information by making reference to its original publication and obtain independent advice before acting on it. Users are hereby accepting and bearing the risks arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with this database.


If you do not accept, please close this website.


Privacy Policy Statement

Chung Ying Theatre ("Chung Ying","We","Our" or "Us") respects personal data privacy. We are committed to comply with the personal data protection principles and requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This Privacy Policy Statement is intended to explain our privacy practices regarding how your personal data will be collected, retained and used.


Purpose and Use of Personal Data

Your personal data may be used for the following purposes, but not limit to:

      • - Processing your membership registration;
      • - Subscribing Chung Ying E-Newsletter;
      • - Contacting you with updated information, special offers and new services;

If you are under the age of 18, you should obtain consent from your parent or guardian before you provide Chung Ying with your personal data.


Personal Data Access, Correction and Deletion Requests

You have the right to request access to, correction and deletion of your personal data held by us. You may make your data access, correction and deletion requests by writing to the Programme and Communications Officer at or by post to the address:


Programme and Communications Offer

Chung Ying Theatre

G/F, 10 Borrett Road, Hong Kong


Accuracy and Duration of Retention of Personal Data

Chung Ying takes all practicable steps to ensure that personal data is accurate and is not kept longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which the data is used.


Protection Measures

Chung Ying takes appropriate steps to protect the personal data we hold against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure.


Disclosure of Personal Data

Personal data supplied to us will be kept confidential. We will not disclose your personal data to a third party without your consent, unless we need to adhered to any legal requirements.


Use of Cookies

Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. The purposes of using cookies are to remember the browsing preferences, for example the language and font size, to improve your user experience. You can choose to "not accept" cookies by changing the settings but if you do so you may find that certain features on the website do not work properly.


Website Statistics

When you visit our website we will record your visit only as a "hit". The webserver makes a record of your visit that includes your IP addresses (and domain names), the types and configurations of browsers, language settings, geo-locations, operating systems, previous sites visited, and time/durations of the pages visited (visitor data). We use the visitor data for the purpose of maintaining and improving our website such as to determine the optimal screen resolution, which pages have been most frequently visited etc. We use such data only for website enhancement and optimisation purposes. We do not use, and have no intention to use the visitor data to personally identify anyone.


Security Statement

You acknowledge and agree that Chung Ying shall not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential losses or damages howsoever arising out of the use of this website. Chung Ying does not guarantee that any messages sent over the Internet will be completely secure. Chung Ying does not accept any responsibility for any damages incurred by you if you send a message to us, or if Chung Ying sends a message to you at your request, over the Internet. Communications over the Internet may be subject to interruption, delayed transmission due to Internet traffic or incorrect data transmission due to the public nature of the Internet or otherwise.


If you do not agree, please close this website.


In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of the website and this notice, the Chinese version shall apply and prevail.

We keep our privacy policy statement under regular review. This statement was last updated on 9 July 2024.